Friday, July 23, 2010

Sheldon Nidle

Beverly Hollingsworth letter to Dale~ Just finished listening to Sheldan Nidle's talk. It was GREAT!! Very positive. He talked on how the currents will change in the Gulf and start to circle round and round and not go out and up the east cost like it usually does and how then we will be able to clean it up. Also how it is still leaking but Navy's from other countries are helping and... See More ... See morethe govt is getting ready to change and for the better and how we will have replicate technology to build things better and quicker and zero point energy, free power. New $$ for all before end of 2010. I missed the first 1/2 hr... dang it. Wish there was a place to hear it from. Also we can bring change here if we sign petitions and how important it was to do that and keep pushing the Govt for what we want. If not then GF wil come down and bang, bang,, into the inner eaarth we all go and into the light chambers. All of us, no one will be left bbehind... no one, and then reprogramming. Some of us will be going back onto our spacecraft with our galactic families we came from and rest inner earth. Then off the Venus and Mars I think not sure, don't remeber. He spoke on how it will be to be a galactic human. It's going to be good!! Very cool stuff. He will be doing another talk mid Aug. He said if we continue to sign petitions and call politicians we would see changes quicker than we can imagine. If not into inner earth we all go cause earth is ascending and will be unfit for us to live on, unsafe, 11-12 rictor scale earthquakes, volcanoes, air can't breathe, so necessary to be in inner earth. Also it is a choice. We can change and stay here but if we don't as a group consciousnees then GF coming in to do it for us. All good either way but we can change it and stay here or not and we move on to other planets after light chambers and new training to understand and be a galactic Human. Very exciting times we are in my family. It's all good. There will be no Gulf exploding or coast sliding into the oceans, major diaster before we are all moved. They will keep it all under check. I trust in all this and give thanks for our Galactic families help and assistance. We are in blessed times my family. Rejoice and celebrate. The times they are a changin!!! Love you my brother. Angel wings around your heart and Soul Brother Dale♥May Sprinkles of endless love follow your every footstep♥