Sunday, April 11, 2010

The People I Love!

Bless You All! You all are the Family I have allways Dreamed of ...and the New folks in My Life are More than A Blessing... Especially You Josh, Trine , Kelly & Victoria! You all are what I aspire to Be! Of course; Yana, Kevin Richard Ray & Denise I will allways Love & cherish as they are My blood . Those Bonds are simply Magical! I thank My Brother Richard for owning My Heart as we connect on a higher plane when we are together,...and Rich: I really like That! can't wait to see you! more in a bit ...You all Know who You Are! Thank You for Loving Me! I am so Grateful!

The 'Goddess of Creation'

Who is the Goddess of Creation? I am an energy that comes from the source energy of God/Goddess/The All That Is. I am of a very high vibration; therefore prior to the year 2000, it was not possible for me to connect directly with people who had incarnated upon the earth. I am an energy that is here to remind you of who you are in your core essence. I am here to provide you with the opportunity to bring more and more of your soul presence, also known as you I AM presence, to earth. As you work with my energy or read the channels that portray me, you are opening yourself to transformation that will occur on many different levels. Much of this you will be conscious of and much you will not. As you open up and begin to understand who I am, you are opening up and beginning to understand who YOU are. For so many of the people who are on earth at this time, it's a time of questioning. You are questioning who am I? Where did I come from? What is my path? Why am I here? Is there something in particular that I should be doing? As you read the material provide in this website and if you participate in the channeled journeys, you will begin to find these answers. You have the answers inside of you. You have your own truth inside of you and you need only open up to this rich resource that is within. Many people as they step onto this path are unsure and seek many different types of resources and answers. I encourage you to read all that comes your way, but begin to develop a sense of what feels good to you and what might not. You will sometimes find contradictions as you are on this path. If that‘s the case, take the time to go inside yourself and you will know the answers. The most important aspect of the new energy that people are moving into is the releasing of duality. Duality is the belief system that someone is right; therefore, someone must be wrong. This intrinsically has a judgment within it. Anyone who is judging the people around them is also judging themselves. I strongly encourage you take time to become aware in your own life of the ways in which you are caught up in duality and the ways in which you are judging both yourself and those who are around you