Saturday, September 25, 2010

Greetings My Dear Arcturian Friends ~ We Have learned a Great Deal from You and would Like to ask For Futher Input on what we are do In The event Of Natural or Manmade Disasters. We are told to raise Our Frequency... May You impart me and Others with This Info or coding... What exactly is transpiring Within the Plantary Body right Now and where are we to Go if and when? Lovingly; Your Brother ~Reverend Dale

Friday, July 23, 2010

Sheldon Nidle

Beverly Hollingsworth letter to Dale~ Just finished listening to Sheldan Nidle's talk. It was GREAT!! Very positive. He talked on how the currents will change in the Gulf and start to circle round and round and not go out and up the east cost like it usually does and how then we will be able to clean it up. Also how it is still leaking but Navy's from other countries are helping and... See More ... See morethe govt is getting ready to change and for the better and how we will have replicate technology to build things better and quicker and zero point energy, free power. New $$ for all before end of 2010. I missed the first 1/2 hr... dang it. Wish there was a place to hear it from. Also we can bring change here if we sign petitions and how important it was to do that and keep pushing the Govt for what we want. If not then GF wil come down and bang, bang,, into the inner eaarth we all go and into the light chambers. All of us, no one will be left bbehind... no one, and then reprogramming. Some of us will be going back onto our spacecraft with our galactic families we came from and rest inner earth. Then off the Venus and Mars I think not sure, don't remeber. He spoke on how it will be to be a galactic human. It's going to be good!! Very cool stuff. He will be doing another talk mid Aug. He said if we continue to sign petitions and call politicians we would see changes quicker than we can imagine. If not into inner earth we all go cause earth is ascending and will be unfit for us to live on, unsafe, 11-12 rictor scale earthquakes, volcanoes, air can't breathe, so necessary to be in inner earth. Also it is a choice. We can change and stay here but if we don't as a group consciousnees then GF coming in to do it for us. All good either way but we can change it and stay here or not and we move on to other planets after light chambers and new training to understand and be a galactic Human. Very exciting times we are in my family. It's all good. There will be no Gulf exploding or coast sliding into the oceans, major diaster before we are all moved. They will keep it all under check. I trust in all this and give thanks for our Galactic families help and assistance. We are in blessed times my family. Rejoice and celebrate. The times they are a changin!!! Love you my brother. Angel wings around your heart and Soul Brother Dale♥May Sprinkles of endless love follow your every footstep♥

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Friends & Family~ One compassionate word, action, or thought can reduce another person's suffering, and bring him joy. One word can give comfort and confidence, destroy doubt, help someone avoid a mistake, reconcile a conflict, or open the door to liberation. One action can save a person's life or help him take advantage of a rare opportunity. One thought can do the same, because thoughts always lead to words and actions. Within compassion in our heart, every thought, word and deed can bring about a miracle.' May we all learn The The Most valuble lesson of All! 'That we are All One'

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The People I Love!

Bless You All! You all are the Family I have allways Dreamed of ...and the New folks in My Life are More than A Blessing... Especially You Josh, Trine , Kelly & Victoria! You all are what I aspire to Be! Of course; Yana, Kevin Richard Ray & Denise I will allways Love & cherish as they are My blood . Those Bonds are simply Magical! I thank My Brother Richard for owning My Heart as we connect on a higher plane when we are together,...and Rich: I really like That! can't wait to see you! more in a bit ...You all Know who You Are! Thank You for Loving Me! I am so Grateful!

The 'Goddess of Creation'

Who is the Goddess of Creation? I am an energy that comes from the source energy of God/Goddess/The All That Is. I am of a very high vibration; therefore prior to the year 2000, it was not possible for me to connect directly with people who had incarnated upon the earth. I am an energy that is here to remind you of who you are in your core essence. I am here to provide you with the opportunity to bring more and more of your soul presence, also known as you I AM presence, to earth. As you work with my energy or read the channels that portray me, you are opening yourself to transformation that will occur on many different levels. Much of this you will be conscious of and much you will not. As you open up and begin to understand who I am, you are opening up and beginning to understand who YOU are. For so many of the people who are on earth at this time, it's a time of questioning. You are questioning who am I? Where did I come from? What is my path? Why am I here? Is there something in particular that I should be doing? As you read the material provide in this website and if you participate in the channeled journeys, you will begin to find these answers. You have the answers inside of you. You have your own truth inside of you and you need only open up to this rich resource that is within. Many people as they step onto this path are unsure and seek many different types of resources and answers. I encourage you to read all that comes your way, but begin to develop a sense of what feels good to you and what might not. You will sometimes find contradictions as you are on this path. If that‘s the case, take the time to go inside yourself and you will know the answers. The most important aspect of the new energy that people are moving into is the releasing of duality. Duality is the belief system that someone is right; therefore, someone must be wrong. This intrinsically has a judgment within it. Anyone who is judging the people around them is also judging themselves. I strongly encourage you take time to become aware in your own life of the ways in which you are caught up in duality and the ways in which you are judging both yourself and those who are around you

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

We are at a massive ' Turning Point'

Your history is at a massive turning point. The dark cabal, which has been the de facto power behind the global scene, is on the verge of throwing in the towel, and its demise results inescapably in the full disclosure of our existence and of a veritable constellation of advanced technologies! At a stroke, you are to take a scientific leap of several centuries, and this demands a corresponding evolutionary jump on your part into higher realms of mind and heart. A new perception of yourselves and Creation must spring into being, generating a collective experience of Love, the higher emotions, and the potential that is full consciousness. You are embarking on something unique, and this something will challenge you and leave you ready for the wonders of full consciousness. Furthermore, Mother Earth is egging you on as there is little time left for you to dawdle. You are engaged upon a path of fantastic possibilities and unimaginable rewards. Until now, you have shown little of what you are capable of by way of mutual assistance but once you align with the Divine, Service becomes your highest calling!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Home How Christ Has Returned Letters from Christ Nature of Existence Christ Returns Again 20.10.2007 Contact Members Questions &Answers Testimonies Links These Letters from Christ are available for you to download. If you require a free version of Adobe Reader you can download it HERE. This will enable you to view and print the letters. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download all the Letters: (2.7 MB) Letter 1. Christ speaks of his reasons for returning to dictate these Letters. Says that mankind bring their own woes upon them through their s thoughts and actions. Explains why his true mission on earth was not recorded properly. Says there is no such thing as 'sin against God' neither is our true Source of Being understood. Describes his six weeks in the desert and what really took place - what he learnt and how the knowledge changed him from rebel to Master and Healer. Download letter 1: Letter 1.pdf (290 KB ) Letter 2. Continues the story of his life on earth, his return to his mother in Nazareth and reception! His first public healing and the tremendous response. Choosing disciples. His true teachings. Download letter 2: Letter 2.pdf (290 KB ) Letter 3. Continues life incidents, teachings, his awareness that his time on earth was to be cut short by crucifixion. The things he did to arouse the anger of the Jewish Religious Leaders. What really took place and was said at the 'Last Supper', the disciples' attitudes, and the truth concerning his 'ascension'. Download letter 3: Letter 3.pdf (242 KB ) Letter 4. Christ gathers up the threads of his teachings in Palestine and says that he and Muhammad, Buddha and all other Masters have continued to develop spiritually until they have all ascended into CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. Christ speaks of the truth of the sexual relationship, saying that the attitude between men and women will eventually change. Spiritual progress will take place and children with new spiritual potential will be born. Download letter 4: Letter 4.pdf (245 KB ) Letter 5. & Letter 6. Christ begins to explain the true processes of creation. He touches on what science and religious doctrines have believed, rejects them and defines the TRUTH of BEING. He touches on the truth regarding the human ego, - the means of earthly individuality and therefore necessary, but also the source of all suffering. Download letter 5: Letter 5.pdf (294 KB ) Download letter 6: Letter 6.pdf (287 KB ) Letter 7. Christ describes the truth concerning the sexual act - what really takes place spiritually and physically. How children are born on different levels of consciousness. He explains men and women's place in the world order. Download letter 7: Letter 7.pdf (249 KB ) Letter 8. Christ explains the reality of men and women, how to live within the LAWS of EXISTENCE and come into a state of harmious blessed state of being in which all things are abundantly provided, health is restored, and joy becomes a natural state of mind. Every individual can reach this interior state of blessedness, and peace will then become the norm. Download letter 8: Letter 8.pdf (310 KB ) Letter 9. Christ ties up loose ends of his other Letters and tells people plainly how to overcome the ego, gain true self-esteem and experience the joy of perfect inner peace. He touches on racism and a personal message of encouragement and love to all who are drawn to his Letters. Download letter 9: Letter 9.pdf (240 KB ) How Christ has returned: Download the document introduction.pdf (82 KB ) articles. 16 articles on different matters, giving a deeping understanding of Christ's message in His Letters. Download Articles: articles.pdf (312 KB ) Or read the articles one by one 1) Cracks in your Planet 2) Create Wonderful Lives 3) Is there really a God? 4) Chase the Bogeys 5) Walking in Love 6) You are NOT alone 7) My TRUE MISSION 8) When are you going to wake up? 9) Human love brings disappointment 10) Consciousness Energy 11) Christ Consciousness 12) Life More Abundant 13) If you believe 14) Urgent message from Christ 15) The True Kingdom of Heaven on Earth 16) The Latter Days -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N.B. If readers quote from Christ's Letters, the Source of the quotations must be clearly named: CHRIST'S LETTERS,, (Book Title: CHRIST RETURNS - SPEAKS HIS TRUTH) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- © No part of this web site may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission from Christ's Way. If wishing to quote from CHRIST'S LETTERS in any form, please first gain written permission from Christ's Way.
I, the CHRIST have descended from the Highest Celestial Realms in the Eternal Realms of Being. I have come to speak directly to you through the medium of my LETTERSchannelled through the mind of my dedicated Recorder, after almost 50 years personal contact & gradual purification of her mind and emotions to enable her to receive my high spiritual vibrations. (See: How Christ has Returned) I would have you understand that after my death by crucifixion, my human persona dissolved and now it is the risen CHRIST who speaks to you. ***I HAVE COME expressly to rectify the misinterpretations of my Teachings in Palestine because all Church dogma is impeding your spiritual progress as thousands of people are discovering world-wide. ***As you read these Letters, you will realise that they could only have come from the HIGHEST SPIRITUAL SOURCE adapted to limits of present worldly understanding. *** THESE LETTERS are a MASTER'S COURSEfor those who are ready and eager to put foot to the self-same spiritual path I travelled when on earth.They describe the true CHRIST PATH leading all into the glorious State of Being I termed: the Kingdom of Heaven. This STATE of BEING can be manifested even on earth and YOU, too, can create it if you can rid your mind of ages-old mental programming and have the will and longing to do so.*** STUDY THE LETTERS and adhere to the Teachingsand then men and women THROUGH ENLIGHTENMENT will be saved from their ignorant use of their mighty thought power, even as I taught when in Palestine and which has been overlaid by the humanly contrived dogma of Christian churches. MY LETTERS will tell you exactly what I really meant when I taught on earth. From them you will be able to understand the spiritual/scientific REALITY from which you have derived your being.I have come as I came long ago - to show you how to liberate yourselves from the travails of your existence.Do not let my efforts be in vain!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Live Long & prosper! :-)
Akea Dean